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ROBOTIC hi-tech solutions

Filippo Tincolini and Giacomo Massari, the founders of Robotor, take marble sculpture to another level. After the complexity of many of their works, they were driven to integrate new technologies and industrial robots into their work to optimize their traditional technique and merge it with cutting-edge technology, robotics and 3D digital, achieving an improvement in the manufacturing and quality of their works. they have even been able to simplify tasks.
The notion of machine-produced marble sculptures was created “out of necessity,” according to Giacomo Massari, co-founder of Robotor. Robotor hopes its diamond-fingered robotic arm helpers will preserve both the tradition of Italian art and its international appeal today. Carrara marble is noted for its translucency, strength, and distinctive veining, ranging from a smoky gray to the pale blue veining found under human skin. Most contemporary artists avoid marble because of the time and labor required to finish a sculpture, as well as the health hazards associated with breathing dust.
Initially, Robotor bought robots from local tech companies. Eventually, however, as more artists began ordering robots to bring their designs to life, they began designing and manufacturing the robots themselves.
Robotor is specialized in brick manufacturing, mainly by milling. After manual setup, including importing the 3D design into the system, they can complete the design on their own.
The powerful motor cooperates with the robot to allow the above functions to be performed. The motor runs on a high-speed circuit board or circuit board, which ensures the integrity of the hardware signal. Therefore, even large robots can work precisely and accurately. First of all, Robotor’s largest robot to date, BOT-ONE XL was able to recreate Psyche and Cupid in just 11 days.
A team of robots accepts commissions using the same marble used in Renaissance masterpieces. Its owners believe that technology is essential for the cultural future of Italy. A 13-foot robotic arm reached for a chunk of white marble with its rotating wrist and diamond-coated finger. The immense marble quarries above Carrara, Tuscany have provided the raw material for polishing masterpieces by Italian sculptors like Michelangelo, Canova, Bernini and others for centuries.
The artistic output of Italy’s workshops has been among the country’s best-known and most valuable exports since at least the Renaissance. The owners and staff of this robotics lab feel that embracing modern technology is the only way to keep the country at the forefront of the arts.
The duty of controlling the processing steps is delegated to an artificial intelligence. A robot called “Robotor that” aims to provide man with a technical solution that automates the manufacturing process and delegates the processing of stone (as well as wood and plastic) to the robot. A new era has begun, one that is marked by scans and point clouds instead of chisels and dust, in which Robotor technology provides value by freeing man from arduous, difficult and dangerous work while simplifying the processing phases. as much as possible.
Giacomo Massari remembers that the goal was to go the extra mile not to limit artists and create the impossible with technology, but he continued. Robots add value by freeing people from tedious and dangerous work and making the production phase as simple as possible.

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