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This Automated Robot Sculptor Chisels Stunning Works of Art From Massive Blocks of Marble

This Automated Robot Sculptor Chisels Stunning Works of Art From Massive Blocks of Marble
This Automated Robot Sculptor Chisels Stunning Works of Art From Massive Blocks of Marble Nice News 02/01/2023 “Alexa: Sculpt a masterpiece.” That command may sound like science fiction, but a company called Robotor has already invented its own version of the concept: a self-programming, automated chisel capable of creating stunning sculptures [...]
Un robot italien sculpte comme Michel-Ange

Un robot italien sculpte comme Michel-Ange
Un robot italien sculpte comme Michel-Ange ARABNEWS 01/13/2023 PARIS: Il y a quelque chose de fascinant à voir un robot prendre vie et singer les mouvements précis que le génie humain a dessiné sur des pierres de toutes sortes depuis les temps immémoriaux. ... Robotor La start-up italienne Robotor a créé un [...]
Il robot che replica fedelmente i capolavori dell’arte

Il robot che replica fedelmente i capolavori dell’arte
Il robot che replica fedelmente i capolavori dell’arte Collateral 01/02/2023 With the same ease with which we are fascinated by the anatomical and poetic perfection of classic statues, we tend to overlook the physical effort that went into creating these works. ... Filippo Tincolini and Giacomo Massari, starting with the idea of trying to bring the great [...]
About us, sculpture, design, and conservation

About us, sculpture, design, and conservation
About us Based in Carrara (Italy), TORART is the brainchild of two young entrepreneurs, Giacomo Massari and Filippo Tincolini, who are experts in sculpture, design, and conservation.  TORART uses anthropomorphic robots created by Giacomo and Filippo’s sister company ROBOTOR to combine traditional techniques with the latest technologies.
From concept to completion, TORART offers various services for artists, museums, designers, architects

From concept to completion, TORART offers various services for artists, museums, designers, architects
From concept to completion TORART, based in Carrara, specialises in sculpture, contemporary art, and design, utilising cutting-edge technology to process marble, stone, and other hard materials. Founded by Giacomo Massari and Filippo Tincolini, TORART combines traditional hand-made finishes with advanced methods such as anthropomorphic robots and 3D laser [...]
Life the Italian way: robots sculpt like Michelangelo

Life the Italian way: robots sculpt like Michelangelo
Life the Italian way: robots sculpt like Michelangelo HICOMM 01/11/2023 It's unlikely that you haven't fallen into the whirlpool of Italian inspiration: besides nature and delicious food, this European country is steeped in beauty and art. ... " Discussions around AI soon defacing art are becoming increasingly popular, but Masari is of the opinion that rather [...]
The robot that faithfully replicates art masterpieces

The robot that faithfully replicates art masterpieces
The robot that faithfully replicates art masterpieces Just as easily as we are fascinated by the anatomical and poetic perfection of classical statues, we tend to overlook the more physical effort that went into making the works. ... Filippo Tincolini and Giacomo Massari, starting with the idea of trying to bring the great sculptures of art [...]
Copies of the Parthenon Marbles—carved by a robot—to go on show in London

Copies of the Parthenon Marbles—carved by a robot—to go on show in London
Copies of the Parthenon Marbles—carved by a robot—to go on show in London THE ART NEWSPAPER 07/13/2022 Project by Oxford’s Institute for Digital Archaeology fuels debate about restitution of controversial sculptures. ... In June, a robot designed by the Institute—which can create faithful reproductions of large-scale historical [...]
Capitello delle Scimmie

Capitello delle Scimmie
ROBOTOR designs and assembles anthropomorphic robots for multi-axis milling, while TORART is an artistic workshop specializing in the creation of sculptures, contemporary artworks, and designs using ROBOTOR robots. LITIX professionals first performed a digital scan of the capital to enable its reproduction; then, a BOT-ONE series [...]
Perfect Copies of the Parthenon Marbles so London Can Return the Originals

Perfect Copies of the Parthenon Marbles so London Can Return the Originals
Perfect Copies of the Parthenon Marbles so London Can Return the Originals Artribune 07/14/2022 At Tor Art, a Carrara-based company specializing in robotic sculpture, a mechanical arm is picking up the legacy of the great masters and "healing" international controversies, starting with the one between the British Museum and Greece. Between the [...]
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