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Results: 3 - pag 1/1
Il robot che replica fedelmente i capolavori dell’arte

Il robot che replica fedelmente i capolavori dell’arte
Filippo Tincolini and Giacomo Massari, starting with the idea of trying to bring the great sculptures from the history of art into today's technological world, have created Robotor, a robot capable of replicating the perfection and beauty of these modeled marble blocks through a mechanical arm guided by software. ... Filippo Tincolini and Giacomo Massari, starting with [...]
Life the Italian way: robots sculpt like Michelangelo

Life the Italian way: robots sculpt like Michelangelo
For centuries, analysts have been trying to figure out what is the reason why Italian works achieve such perfectionism, which has influenced and definitely influenced world culture.
The robot that faithfully replicates art masterpieces

The robot that faithfully replicates art masterpieces
Filippo Tincolini and Giacomo Massari, starting with the idea of trying to bring the great sculptures of art history into today’s technological world, have created Robotor, a robot capable of replicating the perfection and beauty of these sculpted marble blocks through a mechanical arm guided by software.
Results: 3 - pag 1/1