ALEX HODA Untitled Series, 2013 Titolo opera: Untitled Series, 2013 © courtesy of the Artist and Edel Assanti Autore: Alex Hoda, Canterbury, 1980 Titoli di Studio: Wimbledon College of Art and Goldsmiths College, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2008. Attualmente vive e lavora a Londra Dati tecnici dell’opera: Scultura di marmo statuario Michelangelo, costruita tramite [...]ARCO TRIONFALE DI PALMIRA rifacimento dell’ Arco di Palmira è stato possibile grazie alla tecnologia e all’attenzione filologica della replica che il laboratorio d’arte di Carrara TORART ha messo a disposizione dell’ Institute for Digital Archeology, una joint venture tra la Harvard University, l’università di Oxford and Dubai Future Foundation che promuove lo sviluppo e [...]ROBOTOR: ARTISTIC FUTURE the complexity of many of their works, they were driven to integrate new technologies and industrial robots into their work to optimize their traditional technique and merge it with cutting-edge technology, robotics and 3D digital, achieving an improvement in the manufacturing and quality of their works. they have even been able to simplify tasks. ... Robotor hopes its [...]Ricerche correlate a: 3d art