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Watch a robot sculptor meticulously create a replica of a famous 19th-century statue

Watch a robot sculptor meticulously create a replica of a famous 19th-century statue

Italian tech company Robotor has finally shared a video of its 13-foot-tall "high-end artist" carving a slab, a giant in marble, to recreate Canova's Terpsichore, the famous 19th-century Italian sculptor.


Pur essendo spesso paragonato a Canova, rispetto a quest’ultimo Thorvaldsen incarnò in misura maggiore lo stile dell’arte classica greca: le pose ed espressioni delle sue figure sono molto più rigide e canoniche rispetto a quelle dello scultore italiano.
Robotor One, the sculptor robot that works for museums

Robotor One, the sculptor robot that works for museums

In the following video you can see the potential of Robotor when sculpting Antonio Canova’s famous Tersicore.
Robot Carves detailed Marble Sculptures

Robot Carves detailed Marble Sculptures

Robotor-One by Robotor has created the marble replica of Canova’s Terpsichore for the museum of Vetulonia starting from a 3D scan of the original work.
Maurizio Cattelan sperimenta Robotor, il robot che scolpisce il marmo meglio di Michelangelo

Maurizio Cattelan sperimenta Robotor, il robot che scolpisce il marmo meglio di Michelangelo

Del resto anche nel passato – pensiamo a Canova – lo scultore realizzava disegni e un bozzetto, dal quale gli assistenti di studio e gli scalpellini ricavavano l’opera.
Robot chisel can sculpt marble like a 3D printer

Robot chisel can sculpt marble like a 3D printer

To make a copy of Antonio Canova's Terpsichore as shown in the company's promotional videos, for example, Robotor worked on a block of Bianco Carrara marble for about twelve days. To make Terpsichore, Canova first realized a chalk model of the statue and subsequently sculpted the marble by transferring the proportions using a compass.
Ce robot sculpteur se taille un nom auprès des artistes

Ce robot sculpteur se taille un nom auprès des artistes

Ce robot sculpteur se taille un nom auprès des artistes MES EXEMPLES.COM 04/02/2023 Une petite révolution robotique se déroule à Carrare en Italie, dont les carrières ont fourni le marbremarbre pour des sculpteurs de renom comme Michel-Ange ou encore Antonio Canova.
Il robot che replica fedelmente i capolavori dell’arte

Il robot che replica fedelmente i capolavori dell’arte

Ricrea con la stessa delicatezza e decisione lo stile dei grandi maestri dell’arte, come si può vedere dalla riproduzione della Tersicore e di Amore e Psiche di Antonio Canova.
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